I am a UX Research and Innovation Manager at the [ui!] Urban Software Institute, where I work on innovative environmental and infrastructure solutions for smart cities and regions. Prior to this role, I was a postdoctoral researcher and area head of the Human-Computer Interaction group at the Telecooperation Lab, TU Darmstadt. My research focused on haptics for Augmented- and Virtual-Reality, exploring interaction concepts for mechanoreception, thermoreception, and proprioception.
For a full list of my 50+ publications, please refer to my Google Scholar profile.
My dissertation on the topic of Somatosensory Interaction was published in 2022 at TU Darmstadt (graded with summa cum laude).
Other experiences include a research collaboration with the Human-Centered eXtended Intelligence Lab at UC San Diego Design Lab (Prof. Dr. Nadir Weibel) in 2022, as well as managing various customer and publicly funded projects (e.g., DFG, BMBF), and collaborating on industry-related projects.
Special recognitions at CHI '24 (2x), UIST ’23, CHI ’23, CHI ’21, CHI ’20 (2x), and MobileHCI ’19.
I am always looking for new collaborations, challenges, and opportunities. If you are interested in having a chat, feel free to contact me.
For a more extensive overview of my work and experiences, I'm happy to share my curriculum vitae.